Why calcium is important for plants

Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for life. Our green friends need it for a variety of reasons – all physiological processes, cell structure and neutralization of organic acids. Along with nitrogen and phosphorus, calcium is one of the nutrients plants need most.

Plant roots usually contain less calcium than the aboveground parts of plants. This is because plants use all excess calcium in the leaves to protect them from damage by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Without this protection, leaves would burn and wither. However, if there is not enough calcium in the plant organism, the roots can be disturbed. This causes the formation and function of root growth zones and buds to stop. Additionally, calcium is needed to trigger enzyme activity in a plant. Without calcium older particles don’t break down so that new ones can form—a critical aspect of the life cycle for most plants.

If you suspect your plant has a calcium deficiency, an easy and healthy solution is to use calcium-containing fertilizer. In this situation, Plant-I-Boost Universal is a good option as it contains calcium NPK 8-5-1, therefore providing plants with everything needed for healthy and productive development. The plant food is safe for most plants and may help prevent your plant from becoming calcium deficient.